Beginning the Sixth Form is an exciting time when you will be making important decisions about the next step in your education. Ursuline Sixth Form offers an excellent pathway to your chosen university, further education, apprenticeship or training. We prepare you for the independent learning needed for lectures and seminars and our expert Careers Advisor offers one to one advice and guidance on university and career choices.
We also offer specialist support from our Oxbridge Co-ordinators, Medical Co-ordinator and for students applying to the Russell group of Universities. We enjoy strong links with Wimbledon Bookfest for students passionate about books and film making. We are strong on careers in engineering and offer the opportunity to support applications for Arkwright scholarships. For students wishing to pursue clinical careers, we have the Getting into Medicine Scheme led by staff from University Medical Schools, with support from clinicians and senior staff from the Science Faculty.
As a student at the Ursuline you have access to courses at Wimbledon College as part of our partnership arrangements. This facilitates a greater choice of subjects as well as different combinations.
Every Sixth Form student is invited to take full part in the life of the school through our enrichment programmes, societies, perfect system, leadership training and community service programmes. We give every student the opportunity to find their passion and develop themselves.
We have a flourishing enrichment programme in drama, music and many other extra-curricular activities. There are many opportunities for field work and cultural trips. Recent visits have included New Orleans, New York, Dallas and China.
We are confident that you will find the Sixth Form challenging and rewarding and an excellent preparation for either university, further education or the world of work.
We look forward to welcoming you into our Sixth Form in September.
Mr Eoin Kelly